Why Science and Art Creativities Matter | (Re-)Configuring STEAM for Future-making Education
08 October 2019
Edited by Pamela Burnard and Laura Colucci-Gray
This book does much more than merely reporting on and developing new arguments about how STEAM is conceived, the assumptions about individuation of disciplines vis a’ vis transdisciplinary theory. Drawing upon posthumanism, new materialism and enactivism, this collection of chapters aims to dwell further into the ways in which we come to know in relationship with the world.
It seeks to engage a wide set of approaches and points views to stimulate dialogue and awareness of the different ways in which we can extend the repertoire of human faculties for thinking and experiencing the world. A unique invitation is shared with readers to develop greater understanding of the contribution of education across the arts and sciences and to re-imagine our collective futures.
This book is a unique and timely volume that opens up several new lines of enquiry and arguments which will provoke different ways of theorizing and add to the growing body of literature on STEAM education. This book rebalances and readdresses the current debates in the literature around STEAM as another, newer opportunity to teach content. Instead, it brings a more specific focus on an entwining of contemporary theorists – putting theory to work – to extend the means for understanding and cultivating science and arts creativities and make explicit key connections with the materiality of practices.
This new go-to text offers a demonstration of how the latest research and theoretically engaged thinking (thinking through theory) on STEAM education can be put to work in practice.
Published by Brill – Sense Publishing in December 2019. Table of contents – Why Science and Arts Creativities Matter.
About the editors
Pamela Burnard
Pamela Burnard is professor of Arts, Creativities and Education at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge.
Laura Colucci-Gray
Laura Colucci-Gray is Senior Lecturer in Science and Sustainability Education at Moray House School of Education and Sport, University of Edinburgh, UK.